
C F C and H C F C Phase Out
Since October 2000 EU regulations have restricted the use of Ozone depleting substances. There has been a ban on the use of HCFC’s in new equipment since 2001. From 1st January 2010, there was a total ban on the use of virgin HCFC’s.
Additionally, if equipment contains more than 3 kg of any refrigerant gas, it must be checked annually for leaks.
The most common HCFC refrigerants still in use in industrial cooling applications are HCFC 22 also known as R22, to a lesser extent R11 & R12.
What options exist for users of chillers using HCFC refrigerant?
It may be possible to convert your existing chiller(s) to use alternative refrigerants (replacement gasses). This will depend on several factors including the design of the cooling circuit and type of compressors used. HCFC replacement gases often offer reduced cooling capacity and efficiency so consideration must be given to any reduction in cooling performances versus the required cooling capacity.
Many chillers which use HCFC gases are now approaching the end of their service life. Careful consideration needs to be given to whether the cost of conversion is worthwhile.
A replacement chiller designed specifically to work with the new generation of "ozone friendly" refrigerant gases such as R407C will be more energy efficient, and reliable.
How Can Celsius Refrigeration Help?
Whether it is replacement or conversion which you are considering, Celsius Refrigeration can help. We have a team of professional refrigeration engineers who can assess your equipment and its suitability for conversion. We have a wide range of chillers and cooling equipment available from 3 kW cooling capacity upwards.